Tom Olin and ADA Bus Fight Sheltered Workshops.

Photo by Tom Olin

Photo by Tom Olin

Photo by Tom Olin

Photo by Tom Olin

Road to Freedom ADA Bus parked in New Mexico. Tom Olin, Janine Bertram, and Dave Fulton are standing near the driver's window

Road to Freedom ADA Bus parked in New Mexico. Tom Olin, Janine Bertram, and Dave Fulton are standing near the driver’s window

The Road to Freedom ADA Bus Tour with Tom Olin is boycotting the September 17 scheduled stop in Lansing, Michigan for the 25th ADA celebration hosted by Disability Network Michigan. Two days ago we learned Peckham Industries was a primary funder of the Lansing ADA celebration so we hit the brakes and pulled a U-turn. Peckham is a key Source America contactor who makes billions off of employing people with intellectual disabilities and paying less than minimum wage. (Their “employees” could be placed in competitive employment and paid at least minimum wage). The federal Department of the Treasury is investigating them for fraud.

The Road to Freedom Bus Tour needs funding to get to Lansing for the demonstration against Peckham and Source America.

A key objective of the Road to Freedom Bus Tour is to support local disability rights groups speaking for consumer choice and work that strengthens the disability movement.

We need $1500 to bring the ADA Bus to Lansing on September 17, 2015 for the counter demonstration.

Tom Olin is on his third tour of the United States (2007, 2014/2015, and 2015/2016) On all three tours, we have found that the Road to Freedom bus is a media magnet, especially when preceded by inclusion in a press release. (Tom has been documenting the disability movement since 1985.)

Please help us raise the $1500 for travel to and from Lansing (includes RV park, fuel, oil, and small repairs fee.)

Donations can be made to the following 501 (C) (3) fiscal agent for the Road to Freedom Bus Tour. 100% of donations go to keeping the ADA bus on the road.

Disability Rights Center
PO Box 313
Rhododendron, OR 97049
DRC Tax ID 52-1069959

More information:The Road to Freedom Tour

CNN Article on Source America Fraud

Daily Beast Says Source America like Mafia

Link to donation page:

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Deeper Levels of Stigma

This post speaks well to a dangerous attitude that the disability rights movement has been fighting for decades: better dead than disabled. Not Dead Yet has taken the lead but many of us have worked to change public attitudes. Still, the stigma persists. So this is well worth the read.

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Your Support Bringing ADA Bus and Tom Olin to Houston

Thanks to all who donated to the Disability Rights Center (DRC) for the ADA Bus. Your support means the ADA Bus will get to Houston because DRC could complete the repairs and secure travel costs for the first leg of the tour. Tom Olin and Dave Fulton, CFO, will drive the bus from Sacramento, where there will be a bus-christening event, to Houston for the ADA 25 Legacy Tour kickoff July 25-27, 2014. The ADA Bus is the former Road to Freedom bus that Tom Olin drove to 48 states in 2007. Watch this blog for tour updates and visit The ADA Legacy Project site:

You can still help the ADA Bus and Tom Olin continue the Legacy Tour beyond Houston by donating to DRC. All donations are being used to support the ADA 25 Legacy Bus Tour unless donors specify otherwise. You can donate at

A shout out to these generous supporters of ADA 25 and disability rights:

Michael Bailey

Marsha Katz

Susan Mazrui

Janine Bertram

Virginia Knowlton

Susan Henderson

Marjorie Rifkin

Carol Tyson

Beto Barrera

Yoshiko Dart

Corbett Jean O’Toole

Jeanne Argoff

Suzanne Levine

Allegra Stout

Patricia Carver

Bob Kafka

The ADA Legacy Project (TALP)

Morton Gernsbacher


All rights reserved. Photo by Tom Olin 

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Help Tom Olin with the ADA 25 Tour

 Imagephoto by Tom Olin

Help Tom Olin get The 2008 “Road to Freedom Bus” back on the road (see photo below).The bus, a 35’ foot RV, is slated to join The ADA Legacy Project’s (TALP) national Legacy Tour to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26, 2015). The tour begins in Houston in July of 2014.

What’s does this mean for us, the disability community? The bus is a central connection point on the Legacy tour, carrying the history of the ADA and other disability rights and justice issues. It will serve also as a backdrop at stops and events. The bus will be a platform for young emerging leaders communicating with older leaders, for allies and artists, organizations, legislators. governors.  Through touring the nation, we will gather a more comprehensive list of the young outspoken leaders who will be leading the disability nation over the next quarter century. In short, The Road to Freedom bus makes for a richer ADA 25 Legacy tour.

We can’t do it without you. The bus needs you to get and keep it on the road. Repairs to the bus and the exhibits are needed. This includes buying new tires, resealing the roof, engine repairs, fixing the accessible lift, insurance and new registration and licensing as well as other repairs that come from age.

The Disability Rights Center, Janine Bertram Kemp, and Dave Fulton floated a loan to acquire the bus and start on repairs. An additional $3000 is needed ASAP because legally the bus cannot be driven without new tires. Please give generously to get Tom Olin and the Road to Freedom bus rolling. You can donate to overall costs or choose what you want to purchase. $3000 buys all the tires, $1500 buys 3 tires, $175 buys a tank of fuel, $360 for exhibit repair, etc. All donations are tax deductible.

Donate here now

Read more about The ADA Legacy Project and ADA 25


Tom Olin is the premier social documentarian of the disability rights movement. He has recorded the movement through photographs for nearly 30 years. His photos have exhibited at the Smithsonian and appeared in the Washington Post and numerous other publications and books.





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Yoo Hoo! LBJ Presidential Library…Disability Rights ARE Civil Rights

Once in awhile something wonderful makes me fall in love with the disability movement all over again. I am now heart expanded and all a flutter mushily loving our people, our leaders, our head over heels commitment to full societal inclusion… take out all the stops! Last week Texas ADAPT issued a statement saying that the LBJ Presidential Library was hosting a summit about the 1964 civil rights act. Topics being covered included not just the classes addressed by the 1964 legislation but nearly everything tangentially related except the kitchen sink and..people with disabilities.  But what made me fall in love with us all over again was the way our community came together in the days following the call from Texas ADAPT. The National Council on Disability (NCD) whipped out a statement calling on the LBJers to include disability and then the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) flew forth with one too.  The ADA Legacy Project is putting out a release. And these statements are blanketing social media and disability nation. Below you will find the ADAPT media advisory for the April 7 press conference in Austin (and check out the list of LBJers included topics) and links to statements from NCD and NDLA.

Oh Doctor, we are fabulous. My-oh-my-blueberry pie we are a mighty bunch. Ya gotta love being us.  

We Shall Overcome We Shall Overcome
Civil Rights Celebration of 50th Anniversary

Attention Disability Rights Advocates
What: Press Conference
When: April 8, 2014
Time: 10:30am
Where: Red River and Dean Keeton (formally 26th Street)

Come and celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the enactment of the Civil Rights Act and the Civil Rights Summit being held at the LBJ Presidential Library. The Civil Rights Summit will be championed by Presidents Jimmy Carter, William “Bill” Clinton, George W. Bush and Barak Obama.

Since the signing of the landmark legislation in 1964 to prohibit discrimination based on race, many other classes of groups have been and will be recognized at this summit including:
• Gay Marriage
• Immigration Policy
• Music and Social Consciousness
• LBJ and MLK, Fulfilling A Promise, Realizing a Dream
• Sports, Leveling the Playing Field
• Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement
• Social Justice in the 21st Century
• Women: How High is the Glass Ceiling?
• Education: The ultimate Civil Right

What’s missing?
People with Disabilities & the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Perhaps the greatest liberation legislation for 52 million Americans in this Nation, the ADA will recognize its 25th Anniversary next year. Come celebrate inclusion in the American arena by and for persons with disabilities.
Nothing About Us Without Us!
ADAPT of Texas, 1640 East 2nd Street
Bob Kafka 512-431-4085

NDLA,                            Image

Note: Photo by Tom Olin

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R U Ready??? Emergency Preparedness in Disability World


Portlight Strategies is a wonderful organization that serves people with disabilities and their families when disaster strikes.  Paul Timmons started the program after hurricane Katrina. He was disgusted that some groups were trying to raise beaucoup bucks to set up an 800 number for post disaster calls while Paul and his wife Kelly were on the scene delivering wheelchairs and other supplies. Portlight has responded to disaster in concrete ways on the scene when and where disaster strikes. Support Portlight and make your own disaster plan.

 My consciousness was raised by Katrina as well. A dear friend repeatedly tried to secure transit for a person with quadriplegia in New Orleans.  That person had called ahead but no one came. My friend stayed on the phone with her as the waters rose and she drowned. This tragic death could have so easily been averted. That woman’s story is etched in my heart.My friend went on to head up accessible emergency preparedness for the federal government. There is a challenge which she will be working at for some time.

 Visit for more information.

 Disabled World posted a great blog which we are reprinting below. #RUReady? 

Disaster and Emergency Planning for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
People need to plan for emergency evacuation in anticipated and unanticipated situations including chemical, biological, radiological, explosion, transportation accidents, fire, floods, earthquakes, mud slides, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storms power outages, etc.

For the millions of people with disabilities around the world, surviving a disaster can be just the beginning of a greater struggle.

For people with disabilities, barrier free, as well as, barrier-ridden environments become a great deal more hostile and difficult to deal with during and after an emergency. For example, people with physical disabilities may have reduced ability to get to accessible exits, as well as reduced access to their personal items and emergency supplies. People with vision and hearing loss and people with speech related disabilities often encounter many more communication barriers, especially when regular communication channels are down or overloaded. These barriers appear at a time when rapid communication may be crucial to survival and safety.

Emergency, or disaster, planning includes preparing organizations and staff to deal with natural and manmade disasters; to support people with disabilities in preparing for a disaster; and to provide education and information to ensure local and statewide emergency officials are fully prepared to address the needs of people with disabilities in the event of an emergency. Often the needs of people with disabilities in emergency preparedness are unaddressed or plans are not well coordinated, leaving individuals with disabilities unnecessarily vulnerable in the event of an emergency.

The critical needs of individuals with disabilities during an emergency include the evacuation of transit systems, getting to safe shelter in the event of a natural disaster, and full access to transportation systems when there is a need to evacuate a particular location.

If you or someone close to you has a disability or a special need, you may have to take additional steps to protect yourself and your family in an emergency.


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Ageism In Disability Rights and Justice?

Photo by Tom Olin

Photo by Tom Olin

Over the past months I have heard strange and ageist references from folks whose work I respect. Examples? There are many and I suppose I should offer one or two. Recently I was interviewing a middle aged organizer for an article about an issue on which there seemed to be controversy and two clear sides. The organizer came down firmly on one and noted that “the only ones who were against that position were older.” Was that true? And if so, what did that mean? Ought I discount a position because young people did not hold it? Perhaps the advocate meant the reverse..that I should discount the side held by younger leaders because they had less wisdom and experience.

Another example came from a DC supervisor in the disability world. When discussing hiring for one of the primo disability good government jobs, he noted that he wasn’t going to hire someone “looking for a position to retire into.” This was voiced in a public social setting. That made me think that it must be a generally accepted attitude. Yoo hoo, there is a law against that…the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

Most of the ageing folks in the movement (let me disclose that I am one of ‘em: a proud crone still fighting for full societal inclusion) are open to and encouraging of younger leaders. There must be some who fear our jobs or roles being usurped by younger activists or who don’t want to entertain fresh ideas but I’m glad they are not rocking’ or rollin’ in my world. But what is it with these calcified, ageist views held by some of our younger leaders?

Truly we don’t have that much time to debate the topic. Police are regularly beating up and murdering people with disabilities. Our people still rot away in institutions because of a huge lack of affordable, accessible, integrated housing. Many of us toil away in sheltered workshops for way less than minimum wage. The list of life threatening, spirit breaking injustices is long.

Every activist and advocate is needed in our serious and ongoing struggle. This is not a game we are playing. Everyone interested and willing to work is needed: all disabilities, ages, races and gender identities. We need to be as inclusive and non discriminatory of each other as we expect society to be of us.

Age discrimination? Really folks? Get over it now. Our people are dying.

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Olin Cover Photo on Johns Hopkins History of Medicine Bulletin

Disabled and Proud by Tom Olin

Disabled and Proud by Tom Olin

Johns Hopkins University has selected the photo “Disabled and Proud” from the Olin Collection for the cover of their “Bulletin of the History of Medicine”-Volume 87, Number 4, Winter 2013. Johns Hopkin’s purchased the photo from social documentarian Tom Olin. Olin is director of DRC. His photos are part of the Smithsonian Collection and have appeared in numerous books, magazines and newspapers, including The Washington Post. Olin spent decades dedicated to documenting the grassroots history of the disability movement.

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Social Justice and Ableist Language Matters

Here at DRC, we don’t usually reprint full blog posts. I suppose that is because we are full of our own political opinions and focus largely on action oriented press releases or important disability rights controversies. Language matters and that is SO clearly explained here that one hopes even non-disabled non allies can comprehend and “grok” it. DRC is grateful to Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg for this and other blog postings at Disability and Representation:

Doing Social Justice: Thoughts on Ableist Language and Why It Matters
September 14, 2013 at 8:00 am 13 comments
The economy has been crippled by dept.

You’d have to be insane to want to invade Syria.

They’re just blind to the suffering of other people.

Only a moron would believe that.

Disability metaphors abound in our culture, and they exist almost entirely as pejoratives. You see something wrong? Compare it to a disabled body or mind: Paralyzed. Lame. Crippled. Schizophrenic. Diseased. Sick. Want to launch an insult? The words are seemingly endless: Deaf. Dumb. Blind. Idiot. Moron. Imbecile. Crazy. Insane. Retard. Lunatic. Psycho. Spaz.

I see these terms everywhere: in comment threads on major news stories, on social justice sites, in everyday speech. These words seem so “natural” to people that they go uncritiqued a great deal of the time. I tend to remark on this kind of speech wherever I see it. In some very rare places, my critique is welcome. In most places, it is not.

When a critique of language that makes reference to disability is not welcome, it is nearly inevitable that, as a disabled person, I am not welcome either. I might be welcome as an activist, but not as a disabled activist. I might be welcome as an ally, but not as a disabled ally. I might be welcome as a parent, but not as a disabled parent. That’s a lot like being welcomed as an activist, and as an ally, and as a parent, but not as a woman or as a Jew.

Many people have questions about why ableist speech matters, so I’ll be addressing those questions here. Please feel free to raise others.

1. Why are you harping so much on words, anyway? Don’t we have more important things to worry about?

I am always very curious about those who believe that words are “only” words — as though they do not have tremendous power. Those of us who use words understand the world through them. We use words to construct frameworks with which we understand experience. Every time we speak or write, we are telling a story; every time we listen or read, we are hearing one. No one lives without entering into these stories about their fellow human beings. As Arthur Frank writes:

“Stories work with people, for people, and always stories work on people, affecting what people are able to see as real as possible, and as worth doing or best avoided. What is it about stories – what are their particularities – that enables them to work as they do? More than mere curiosity is at stake in this question, because human life depends on the stories we tell: the sense of self that those stories impart, the relationships constructed around shared stories, and the sense of purpose that stories both propose and foreclose.” (Frank 2010, 3)

The stories that disability metaphors tell are deeply problematic, deeply destructive, and deeply resonant of the kinds of violence and oppression that disabled people have faced over the course of many centuries. They perpetuate negative and disempowering views of disabled people, and these views wind their ways into all of the things that most people feel are more important. If a culture’s language is full of pejorative metaphors about a group of people, that culture is not going to see those people as fully entitled to the same housing, employment, medical care, education, access, and inclusion as people in a more favored group.

2. What if a word no longer has the same meaning it once did? What’s wrong with using it in that case?

Ah yes. The etymology argument. When people argue word meanings, it generally happens in a particular (and largely unstated) context. With regard to ableist metaphors, people argue that certain meanings are “obsolete,” but such assertions fail to note the ways in which these “obsolete” words resonate for people in marginalized groups.

For example, I see this argument a great deal around the word moron, which used to be a clinical term for people with an intellectual disability. I have a great-aunt who had this label and was warehoused in state hospitals for her brief 25 years of life. So when I see this word, it resonates through history. I remember all of the people with this designation who lived and died in state schools and state mental hospitals under conditions of extreme abuse, extreme degradation, extreme poverty, extreme neglect, and extreme suffering from disease and malnutrition. My great-aunt lay dying of tuberculosis for 10 months under those conditions in a state mental hospital. The term moron was used to oppress human beings like her, many of whom are still in the living memory of those of us who have come after.

Moron — and related terms, like imbecile and idiot – may no longer be used clinically, but their clinical use is not the issue. They were terms of oppression, and every time someone uses one without respect for the history of disabled people, they disrespect the memory of the people who had to carry those terms to their graves.

3. What’s wrong with using bodies as metaphors, anyway?

Think about it this way: Consider that you’re a woman walking down the street, and someone makes an unwanted commentary on your body. Suppose that the person looks at you in your favorite dress, with your hair all done up, and tells you that you are “as fat as a pig.” Is your body public property to be commented upon at will? Are others allowed to make use of it — in their language, in your hearing, without your permission? Or is that a form of objectification and disrespect?

In the same way that a stranger should not appropriate your body for his commentary, you should not appropriate my disabled body — which is, after all, mine and not yours — for your political writing or social commentary. A disabled body should not appear in articles about how lame that sexist movie is or how insane racism is. A disabled body should be no more available for commentary than a nondisabled one.

The core problem with using a body as a metaphor is that people actually live in bodies. We are not just paralyzed legs, or deaf ears, or blind eyes. When we become reduced to our disabilities, others very quickly forget that there are people involved here. We are no longer seen as whole, living, breathing human beings. Our bodies have simply been put into the service of your cause without our permission.

4. Aren’t some bodies better than others? What’s wrong with language that expresses that?

I always find it extraordinary that people who have been oppressed on the basis their physical differences — how their bodies look and work — can still hold to the idea that some bodies are better than others. Perhaps there is something in the human mind that absolutely must project wrongness onto some kind of Other so that everyone else can feel whole and free. In the culture I live in, disabled bodies often fit the bill.

A great deal of this projection betrays a tremendous ignorance about disability. I have seen people defend using mental disabilities as a metaphor by positing that all mentally disabled people are divorced from reality when, in fact, very few mental disabilities involve delusions. I have seen people use schizophrenic to describe a state of being divided into separate people, when schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiplicity at all. I have seen people refer to blindness as a total inability to see, when many blind people have some sight. I have seen people refer to deafness as being locked into an isolation chamber when, in fact, deaf people speak with their hands and listen with their eyes (if they are sighted) or with their hands (if they are not).

Underlying this ignorance, of course, is an outsider’s view of disability as a Bad Thing. Our culture is rife with this idea, and most people take it absolutely for granted. Even people who refuse to essentialize anything else about human life will essentialize disability in this way. Such people play right into the social narrative that disability is pitiful, scary, and tragic. But those of us who inhabit disabled bodies have learned something essential: disability is what bodies do. They all change. They are all vulnerable. They all become disabled at some point. That is neither a Good Thing nor a Bad Thing. It is just an essential fact of human life.

I neither love nor hate my disabilities. They are what they are. They are neither tragic nor wonderful, metaphor nor object lesson.

5. Disabled people aren’t really oppressed. Are they?

Yes, disabled people are members of an oppressed group, and disability rights are a civil rights issue. Disabled people are assaulted at higher rates, live in poverty at higher rates, and are unemployed at higher rates than nondisabled people. We face widespread exclusion, discrimination, and human rights violations. For an example of what some of the issues are, please see the handy Bingo card I’ve created, and then take some time over at the Disability Social History Project.

6. If my disabled friend says it’s okay to use these words, doesn’t that make it all right to use them?

Please don’t make any one of us the authority on language. It should go without saying, but think for yourself about the impact of the language you’re using. If you stop using a word because someone told you to, you’re doing it wrong. It’s much better if you understand why.

7. I don’t know why we all have to be so careful about giving offense. Shouldn’t people just grow thicker skins?

For me, it is not a question of personal offense, but of political and social impact. If you routinely use disability slurs, you are adding to a narrative that says that disabled people are wrong, broken, dangerous, pitiful, and tragic. That does not serve us.

8. Aren’t you just a member of the PC police trying to take away my First Amendment rights?

No. The First Amendment protects you from government interference in free speech. It does not protect you from criticism about the words you use.

9. Aren’t you playing Oppression Olympics here?

No. I’ve never said that one form of oppression is worse than another, and I never will. In fact, I am asking that people who are marginalized on the basis of the appearance or functioning of their bodies — on the basis of gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, size, and disability — get together and talk about the ways in which these oppressions weave through one another and support one another.

If you do not want disability used against your group, start thinking about what you’re doing to reinforce ableism in your own speech. If you do not want people of color to be called feeble-minded, or women to be called weak, or LGBT people to be called freaks, or fat people to be called diseased, or working-class people to be called stupid — all of which are disability slurs — then the solution isn’t to try to distance yourself from us and say, No! We are not disabled like you! The solution is to make common cause with us and say, There is nothing wrong with being disabled, and we are proud to stand with you.

10. Why can’t we use disability slurs when the target is actually a nondisabled person?

To my knowledge, the president of the United States is not mentally disabled, and yet his policies have been called crazy and insane. Most Hollywood films are made by people without mobility issues, and yet people call their films lame. Someone who has no consciousness of racism or homophobia will be called blind or deaf to the issues, and yet, such lack of consciousness runs rampant among nondisabled people.

So why associate something with a disability when it’s what nondisabled people do every single day of the week? As far as I can see, lousy foreign policy, lousy Hollywood films, and lousy comments about race and sexual orientation are by far the province of so-called Normal People.

So come on, Normal People. Start owning up to what’s yours. And please remember that we disabled folks are people, not metaphors in the service of your cause.


Disability Social History Project. Accessed September 14, 2013.

Facebook. “Disability and Representation.” Accessed September 14, 2013.

Frank, Arthur W. Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2010.

© 2013 by Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg

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Disability Grassroots Meets Times Square: Not Dead Yet/ADAPT Ad

Not Dead Yet and ADAPT are two disability rights groups that have remained true to their roots and community organizing principles. So it is with great delight and excitement that DRC posts their press release about the SUPERSCREEN ADS IN TIMES SQUARE. Talk about breaking news! Here is their press release explaining this earth shaking journey into the world of big media. BRAVO to our beloved leaders who made this happen.


ADAPT AND Not Dead Yet, working in partnership, have created a unique opportunity to communicate three vital messages via the Superscreen in New York Times Square. The messages–Life, because we’re not better off dead, Liberty, in our homes, not nursing homes, and The pursuit of happiness—join our struggle at and–also smash devastating myths that have historically prevented many individuals with disabilities from enjoying our full rights and an equal place in our communities.

These messages are displayed in a ten second video and will run once an hour, 18 hours a day for the next three months.

The first message avows that life, with or without disabilities, is worth living. Many misguided individuals have promulgated so-called “assisted-suicide” and euthanasia laws throughout the world that discriminate against elderly and disabled people by creating a state supported path to death. An all too common belief that a person is better off dead than severely disabled has been enacted as public policy. In Oregon, doctors report that people ask for assisted suicide because they feel like a burden on others, indicating that they may have even felt a duty to end their lives and relieve society of the “burden” of their existence. In addition, many individuals with newly acquired disabilities have been assisted to die before being provided an opportunity to experience all that life with a disability can offer. Not Dead Yet challenges the social message that we are “better dead than disabled” and that society is better off without us.

The second message asserts that the quality of our lives is greatly enhanced when we are allowed the liberty to live in our own homes and apartments, supported by attendants that we hire and direct. We view nursing homes as a type of segregation and incarceration that violate our civil rights, as affirmed in the Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision.

The third message calls upon everyone—with or without disabilities—to join us in our historic battle for our civil rights. We are not helpless and we neither need nor want pity. We need equal access to jobs, businesses, places of entertainment, government offices and our own homes. Everyone may at any time join our ranks by acquiring a disability. Join us now and ensure that we will all have quality lives no matter what the future may hold.

Not Dead Yet is a national, grassroots disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination.

ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom.

For more information on our organizations, visit and

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